Our Services
ESOM provides a full range of Integrated Facility Management services - including hard and soft services like maintenance of assets, hospitality services, pest control, reception services and others.
In addition to providing these services, we work as an Integrator to provide clients with cost optimization to improve their competitiveness.

Facility Maintenance Services

Asset Management
Maintenance is a key component of asset management. Our Maintenance (Hard Services) teams will ensure the 3 types of maintenance: Preventive Maintenance, Corrective Maintenance and Predictive Maintenance.
The exact mix of these 3 activities will depend upon the life and the shape of the assets. A well-planned and managed maintenance program will realize the best value from assets.
We ensure safe operations, end user comfort and cost reduction.

Preventive maintenance in progress

Supply Chain / Subcontracting
Our maintenance team coordinates with equipment manufacturers or their representatives in the country to insure that our work is done as per their recommendations.
Specialist service contracts are required for: DCP & HVAC Systems, DHP & Boilers, Waste Water Management, Security Systems, Low Current Systems, Fire detection and fighting systems, BMS & LCS, Elevators & Escalators, etc.

Security Systems

Environmental Services
We invest in technology to create efficiency in the following services:
- Cleaning Services
- Pest Control
- Waste Management
- Laundry and Garment Hire Services
- Landscaping, Hardscaping
- Indoor Plants

Landscaping services

Hospitality Services
We prioritize the training of our frontline teams in these areas:
- Catering Service
- Tea Boy Services
- Event Management Service
- Butler Service
- Usher Service
- Security & Reception Service

Butler and facility maintenance

Business Support Services
Our teams are also able to provide:
- Office Services
- Housing Services
- Transportation Services
- Recreation
- Porter Service
- Clinical Services

Housing maintenance and services

Project Management
Energy Management
We maximise the efficiency of asset facilities through strategic sourcing, management of energy consumption and strategic engineering services. Smart planning, experience in finding sustainable energy solutions and futureproofing helps our clients significantly reduce facility operating costs.